Class SedolValidator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class SedolValidator
    extends ModulusValidator<Sedol>
    Modulus 10 SEDOL (UK Securities) Check Digit calculation/validation.

    SEDOL Numbers are 7 character alphanumeric codes used to identify UK Securities (SEDOL stands for Stock Exchange Daily Official List).

    Check digit calculation is based on modulus 10 with digits being weighted based on their position, from left to right, as follows:

          position:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
         weighting:  1  3  1  7  3  9  1

    See Wikipedia - SEDOL for more details.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SedolValidator

        public SedolValidator()
    • Method Detail

      • weightedValue

        protected int weightedValue​(int charValue,
                                    int leftPos,
                                    int rightPos)
                             throws Exception
        Calculates the weighted value of a character in the code at a specified position.

        Some modulus routines weight the value of a character depending on its position in the code (e.g. ISBN-10), while others use different weighting factors for odd/even positions (e.g. EAN or Luhn). Implement the appropriate mechanism required by overriding this method.

        Specified by:
        weightedValue in class ModulusValidator<Sedol>
        charValue - The numeric value of the character
        leftPos - The position of the character in the code, counting from left to right
        rightPos - The position of the character in the code, counting from right to left
        The weighted value of the character
      • toInt

        protected int toInt​(char character,
                            int leftPos,
                            int rightPos)
        Convert a character at a specified position to an integer value.

        Note: this implementation only handlers numeric values For non-numeric characters, override this method to provide character-->integer conversion.

        toInt in class ModulusValidator<Sedol>
        character - The character to convert
        leftPos - The position of the character in the code, counting from left to right
        rightPos - The positionof the character in the code, counting from right to left
        The integer value of the character