Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.bval.extras.constraints.checkdigit Package Description org.apache.bval.extras.constraints.checkdigit This package contains Check Digit validation This package contains Credit Card validation routines. -
Classes in org.apache.bval.extras.constraints.checkdigit used by org.apache.bval.extras.constraints.checkdigit Class Description IBAN -- TODO - This class is NOT part of the bean_validation spec and might disappear as soon as a final version of the specification contains a similar functionality.ModulusValidator Abstract Modulus Check digit calculation/validation.Verhoeff -- TODO - This class is NOT part of the bean_validation spec and might disappear as soon as a final version of the specification contains a similar functionality. -
Classes in org.apache.bval.extras.constraints.checkdigit used by Class Description Luhn -- TODO - This class is NOT part of the bean_validation spec and might disappear as soon as a final version of the specification contains a similar functionality.