All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractPatternValidator<A extends Annotation,T extends CharSequence> |
AbstractPatternValidator.PatternDescriptor |
Adapter1 |
AnnotationBehavior |
Models the behavior of a MetadataBuilder with regard to bean validation annotations.
AnnotationBehaviorMergeStrategy |
AnnotationDeclaredValidatorMappingProvider |
AnnotationProxy |
InvocationHandler implementation of Annotation that pretends it is a "real" source code annotation.
AnnotationProxyBuilder<A extends Annotation> |
Description: Holds the information and creates an annotation proxy during xml
parsing of validation mapping constraints.
AnnotationProxyBuilder.ConvertGroupAnnotation |
AnnotationProxyBuilder.ValidAnnotation |
AnnotationsManager |
Manages (constraint) annotations according to the BV spec.
AnnotationType |
Java class for annotationType complex type
AnyLiteral |
ApacheFactoryContext |
Description: Represents the context that is used to create ClassValidator instances.
ApacheMessageContext |
Vendor-specific MessageInterpolator.Context interface extension to
provide access to validator configuration properties.
ApacheValidationProvider |
Description: Implementation of ValidationProvider for jsr
implementation of the apache-validation framework.
ApacheValidatorConfiguration |
Description: Uniquely identify Apache BVal in the Bean Validation bootstrap
ApacheValidatorConfiguration.Properties |
ApacheValidatorFactory |
Description: a factory is a complete configurated object that can create
This instance is not thread-safe.
AssertFalseValidator |
Description: assert that value is false
AssertTrueValidator |
Description: assert that value is true
BeanD<T> |
BeanType |
Java class for beanType complex type
BootstrapConfigurationImpl |
BValAnnotatedType<A> |
BValAnnotatedType.BValBindingLiteral |
BValBinding |
Custom InterceptorBinding to invoke executable validations on CDI beans.
BValExtension |
CDI Extension for Apache BVal setup.
BValExtension.AnnotatedTypeFilter |
Defines an item that can determine whether a given AnnotatedType will be processed
by the BValExtension for executable validation.
BValExtension.Releasable<T> |
Represents an item that can be released from a CreationalContext at some point in the future.
BValInterceptor |
Interceptor class for the BValBinding InterceptorBinding .
BValInterceptorBean |
BValVersion |
This class contains version information for BVal.
CachingRelevant |
Description: indicator interface to let the implementation choose
whether results of traversable resolver should be cached.
CachingTraversableResolver |
Cache results of a delegated traversable resovler to optimize calls
It works only for a single validate* call and should not be used if
the TraversableResolver is accessed concurrently
CascadableContainerD<P extends ElementD<?,?>,E extends AnnotatedElement> |
CascadingPropertyValidator |
ClassLoadingValidatorMappingProvider |
ClassType |
Java class for classType complex type
CloseableAble |
CollectionSet<E> |
Comparators |
ComposedD<D extends ElementD<?,?>> |
ComposedD.ForCascadableContainer<D extends CascadableContainerD<?,?>> |
ComposedD.ForProperty |
CompositeBuilder |
CompositeValidatorMappingProvider |
ComputeConstraintValidatorClass<A extends Annotation> |
ConfigurationImpl |
Description: used to configure apache-validation for jsr.
ConstraintAnnotationAttributes |
Defines the well-known attributes of Constraint annotations.
ConstraintCached |
Description: hold the relationship annotation->validatedBy[]
ConstraintValidator classes that are already parsed in a cache.
ConstraintCached.ConstraintValidatorInfo<T extends Annotation> |
Describes a ConstraintValidator implementation type.
ConstraintD<A extends Annotation> |
ConstraintDefaults |
Description: Provides access to the default constraints/validator
implementation classes built into the framework.
ConstraintDefinitionType |
Java class for constraint-definitionType complex type
ConstraintMappingsType |
Java class for constraint-mappingsType complex type
ConstraintType |
Java class for constraintType complex type
ConstraintValidatorContextImpl<T> |
ConstraintViolationImpl<T> |
Description: Describe a constraint validation defect.
From rootBean and propertyPath, it is possible to rebuild the context of the
ConstructorD<T> |
ConstructorType |
Java class for constructorType complex type
ContainerElementKey |
ContainerElementNodeBuilderCustomizableContextImpl |
ContainerElementNodeBuilderDefinedContextImpl |
ContainerElementNodeContextBuilderImpl |
ContainerElementTypeD |
ContainerElementTypeType |
Java class for containerElementTypeType complex type
CrossParameterD<P extends ExecutableD<?,?,P>,E extends Executable> |
CrossParameterType |
Java class for crossParameterType complex type
DecimalMaxValidator<T> |
DecimalMaxValidator.ForNumber |
DecimalMaxValidator.ForString |
DecimalMinValidator<T> |
DecimalMinValidator.ForNumber |
DecimalMinValidator.ForString |
DefaultConstraintValidatorFactory |
Description: create constraint instances with the default / no-arg constructor
DefaultLiteral |
DefaultMessageInterpolator |
Description: Resource bundle backed message interpolator.
DefaultParameterNameProvider |
DefaultTraversableResolver |
DefaultValidatedExecutableTypesType |
Java class for default-validated-executable-typesType complex type
DefaultValidationProviderResolver |
DescriptorManager |
DigitsValidatorForNumber |
Validates that the Number being validates matches the pattern
defined in the constraint.
DigitsValidatorForString |
Validates that the String being validated consists of digits,
and matches the pattern defined in the constraint.
DualBuilder |
Maintains two metadata builds in parallel.
DualValidationMappingProvider |
ElementD<E extends AnnotatedElement,R extends MetadataReader.ForElement<E,?>> |
ElementD.NonRoot<P extends ElementD<?,?>,E extends AnnotatedElement,R extends MetadataReader.ForElement<E,?>> |
ElementType |
Java class for elementType complex type
ELFacade |
ELFacade.BValFormatter |
Email |
Deprecated. |
EMailValidationUtils |
Description: holds the regexp to validate an email address
User: roman.stumm
Date: 17.06.2010
Time: 10:40:59
EmailValidator |
EmptyAnnotationLiteral<T extends Annotation> |
Base class for AnnotationLiterals which have no members.
EmptyBuilder |
EmulatedAnnotatedType<T extends Type> |
Escapes |
Escapes.CharSequenceTranslator |
Escapes.LookupTranslator |
Escapes.UnicodeUnescaper |
Exceptions |
Utility class for sundry Exception -related tasks.
Exceptions.FormatArgs |
Callback interface that collects format arguments in conditional raise* method variants.
ExecutableD<E extends Executable,R extends MetadataReader.ForExecutable<E,R>,SELF extends ExecutableD<E,R,SELF>> |
ExecutableTypes |
Utility methods relating to ExecutableType .
ExecutableValidationType |
Java class for executable-validationType complex type
ExtractValues |
Utility class to extract values from a GraphContext using a ValueExtractor .
FieldType |
Java class for fieldType complex type
Finder |
FutureOrPresentValidator<T extends Comparable<T>> |
Defines built-in ConstraintValidator implementations for FutureOrPresent .
FutureOrPresentValidator.ForCalendar |
FutureOrPresentValidator.ForChronoLocalDate |
FutureOrPresentValidator.ForChronoLocalDateTime |
FutureOrPresentValidator.ForChronoZonedDateTime |
FutureOrPresentValidator.ForDate |
FutureOrPresentValidator.ForInstant |
FutureOrPresentValidator.ForLocalTime |
FutureOrPresentValidator.ForMonthDay |
FutureOrPresentValidator.ForOffsetDateTime |
FutureOrPresentValidator.ForOffsetTime |
FutureOrPresentValidator.ForYear |
FutureOrPresentValidator.ForYearMonth |
FutureValidator<T extends Comparable<T>> |
Defines built-in ConstraintValidator implementations for Future .
FutureValidator.ForCalendar |
FutureValidator.ForChronoLocalDate |
FutureValidator.ForChronoLocalDateTime |
FutureValidator.ForChronoZonedDateTime |
FutureValidator.ForDate |
FutureValidator.ForInstant |
FutureValidator.ForLocalTime |
FutureValidator.ForMonthDay |
FutureValidator.ForOffsetDateTime |
FutureValidator.ForOffsetTime |
FutureValidator.ForYear |
FutureValidator.ForYearMonth |
FxExtractor |
FxExtractor.Activation |
FxExtractor.ForListProperty |
FxExtractor.ForMapPropertyKey |
FxExtractor.ForMapPropertyValue |
FxExtractor.ForObservableValue |
FxExtractor.ForSetProperty |
GetterType |
Java class for getterType complex type
GraphContext |
Group |
Immutable object that wraps an interface representing a single group.
Group.Sequence |
Models a group sequence.
GroupConversion |
GroupConversion.Builder |
GroupConversionType |
Java class for groupConversionType complex type
Groups |
Defines the order to validate groups during validation.
GroupsComputer |
Description: compute group order, based on the RI behavior as to guarantee
compatibility with interpretations of the spec.
Implementation is thread-safe.
GroupSequenceType |
Java class for groupSequenceType complex type
GroupStrategy |
Group strategy interface.
GroupStrategy.Composite |
GroupStrategy.Simple |
GroupsType |
Java class for groupsType complex type
HasAnnotationBehavior |
HierarchyBuilder |
HierarchyBuilder.ElementDelegate<E extends AnnotatedElement,T extends MetadataBuilder.ForElement<E>> |
HierarchyBuilder.HierarchyDelegate<E extends AnnotatedElement,D extends HasAnnotationBehavior> |
IOs |
IterableElementExtractor |
JPATraversableResolver |
Lazy<T> |
LazyInt |
LeafNodeBuilderCustomizableContextImpl |
Liskov |
ListElementExtractor |
LookBehindRegexHolder |
Utility class to manage regular expressions that require simulated infinite
lookbehind, e.g.
MapExtractor |
MapExtractor.ForKey |
MapExtractor.ForValue |
MappingValidator |
MaxValidatorForNumber |
Check that the number being validated is less than or equal to the maximum
value specified.
MaxValidatorForString |
Check that the String being validated represents a number, and has a value
less than or equal to the maximum value specified.
MessageEvaluator |
Meta<E extends AnnotatedElement> |
Validation class model.
Meta.ForClass<T> |
Meta.ForConstructor<T> |
Meta.ForContainerElement |
Meta.ForCrossParameter<E extends Executable> |
Meta.ForExecutable<E extends Executable> |
Meta.ForField |
Meta.ForMember<M extends Member & AnnotatedElement> |
Meta.ForMethod |
Meta.ForParameter |
MetadataBuilder |
Common interface for populating the Bean Validation descriptors from various sources.
MetadataBuilder.ForBean<T> |
MetadataBuilder.ForClass<T> |
MetadataBuilder.ForContainer<E extends AnnotatedElement> |
MetadataBuilder.ForElement<E extends AnnotatedElement> |
MetadataBuilder.ForExecutable<E extends Executable> |
MetadataBuilders |
MetadataReader |
MetadataSource |
Service interface for user metadata customizations.
MethodD |
Methods |
MethodType |
Java class for methodType complex type
MinValidatorForNumber |
Description: validate that number-value of passed object is >= min-value
MinValidatorForString |
Check that the String being validated represents a number, and has a value
more than or equal to the minimum value specified.
NodeBuilderCustomizableContextImpl |
Description: implementation of
ConstraintValidatorContext.ConstraintViolationBuilder.NodeBuilderCustomizableContext .
NodeBuilderDefinedContextImpl |
Description: Implementation of NodeBuilderDefinedContext .
NodeContextBuilderImpl |
Description: Implementation of ConstraintValidatorContext.ConstraintViolationBuilder.NodeContextBuilder .
NodeImpl |
NodeImpl.BeanNodeImpl |
NodeImpl.ConstructorNodeImpl |
NodeImpl.ContainerElementNodeImpl |
NodeImpl.CrossParameterNodeImpl |
NodeImpl.MethodNodeImpl |
NodeImpl.ParameterNodeImpl |
NodeImpl.PropertyNodeImpl |
NodeImpl.ReturnValueNodeImpl |
NotBlankValidator |
NotEmpty |
Deprecated. |
NotEmpty.List |
NotEmptyValidator |
ConstraintValidator implementation for NotEmpty .
NotEmptyValidatorForCharSequence |
NotEmptyValidatorForCollection |
NotEmptyValidatorForMap |
NotNullValidator |
valid when object is NOT null
NullValidator |
Description: valid when object is null
NumberSignValidator<A extends Annotation> |
Description: validate positive/negative number values.
NumberSignValidator.ForNegative |
NumberSignValidator.ForNegative.OrZero |
NumberSignValidator.ForPositive |
NumberSignValidator.ForPositive.OrZero |
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the org.apache.bval.jsr.xml package.
ObjectUtils |
ObjectWrapper<T> |
OptionalExtractor |
OptionalExtractor.ForDouble |
OptionalExtractor.ForInt |
OptionalExtractor.ForLong |
OptionalExtractor.ForObject |
ParameterD<P extends ExecutableD<?,?,P>> |
ParameterType |
Java class for parameterType complex type
ParticipantFactory |
Factory object for helper/participant classes.
PastOrPresentValidator<T extends Comparable<T>> |
Defines built-in ConstraintValidator implementations for PastOrPresent .
PastOrPresentValidator.ForCalendar |
PastOrPresentValidator.ForChronoLocalDate |
PastOrPresentValidator.ForChronoLocalDateTime |
PastOrPresentValidator.ForChronoZonedDateTime |
PastOrPresentValidator.ForDate |
PastOrPresentValidator.ForInstant |
PastOrPresentValidator.ForLocalTime |
PastOrPresentValidator.ForMonthDay |
PastOrPresentValidator.ForOffsetDateTime |
PastOrPresentValidator.ForOffsetTime |
PastOrPresentValidator.ForYear |
PastOrPresentValidator.ForYearMonth |
PastValidator<T extends Comparable<T>> |
Defines built-in ConstraintValidator implementations for Past .
PastValidator.ForCalendar |
PastValidator.ForChronoLocalDate |
PastValidator.ForChronoLocalDateTime |
PastValidator.ForChronoZonedDateTime |
PastValidator.ForDate |
PastValidator.ForInstant |
PastValidator.ForLocalTime |
PastValidator.ForMonthDay |
PastValidator.ForOffsetDateTime |
PastValidator.ForOffsetTime |
PastValidator.ForYear |
PastValidator.ForYearMonth |
PathImpl |
Description: object holding the property path as a list of nodes.
PathImpl.Builder |
Builds non-root paths from expressions.
PathNavigation |
Defines a path navigation algorithm and a means of interacting with same.
PathNavigation.Callback<T> |
Path traversal callback function interface.
PathNavigation.CallbackProcedure |
Callback "procedure" that always returns null.
PathNavigation.CompositeCallbackProcedure |
PatternValidator |
validator using a regular expression, based on the jsr Pattern constraint annotation.
PayloadType |
Java class for payloadType complex type
PropertyD<E extends AnnotatedElement> |
PropertyD.ForField |
PropertyD.ForMethod |
PropertyType |
Java class for propertyType complex type
Proxies |
Reflection |
Security-agnostic "blueprint" class for reflection-related operations.
Reflection.ClassHierarchy |
Reflection.FullHierarchy |
Reflection.Interfaces |
ReflectionBuilder |
ReturnValueD<P extends ExecutableD<?,?,P>,E extends Executable> |
ReturnValueType |
Java class for returnValueType complex type
SchemaManager |
Unmarshals XML converging on latest schema version.
SchemaManager.Builder |
Signature |
SimpleTraversableResolver |
Description: traversable resolver that does always resolve.
SizeValidator<T> |
Description: Abstract validator impl.
SizeValidator.ForArray<T> |
SizeValidator.ForArray.OfBoolean |
SizeValidator.ForArray.OfByte |
SizeValidator.ForArray.OfChar |
SizeValidator.ForArray.OfDouble |
SizeValidator.ForArray.OfFloat |
SizeValidator.ForArray.OfInt |
SizeValidator.ForArray.OfLong |
SizeValidator.ForArray.OfObject |
SizeValidator.ForArray.OfShort |
SizeValidator.ForCharSequence |
SizeValidator.ForCollection |
SizeValidator.ForMap |
StringUtils |
TimeValidator<A extends Annotation,T> |
ToUnmodifiable |
TypeUtils |
Taken from commons-lang3.
TypeUtils.WildcardTypeBuilder |
Validate |
Some used validations from commons.
ValidateBean<T> |
ValidatedByType |
Java class for validated-byType complex type
ValidateExecutable<E extends Executable,T> |
ValidateParameters<E extends Executable,T> |
ValidateParameters.ForConstructor<T> |
ValidateParameters.ForMethod<T> |
ValidateProperty<T> |
ValidateProperty.ForBeanProperty<T> |
ValidateProperty.ForPropertyValue<T> |
ValidateProperty.Strategy<T> |
ValidateReturnValue<E extends Executable,T> |
ValidateReturnValue.ForConstructor<T> |
ValidateReturnValue.ForMethod<T> |
ValidationConfigType |
Java class for validation-configType complex type
ValidationJob<T> |
ValidationJobFactory |
ValidationMappingParser |
Uses JAXB to parse constraints.xml based on the validation-mapping XML schema.
ValidationParser |
Description: uses jaxb to parse validation.xml
ValidatorBean |
Validator CDI Bean .
ValidatorFactoryBean |
ValidatorFactory CDI Bean .
ValidatorImpl |
ValidatorMapping<A extends Annotation> |
ValidatorMappingProvider |
ValidatorUtils |
ValueExtractors |
ValueExtractor collection of some level of a bean validation hierarchy.
ValueExtractors.OnDuplicateContainerElementKey |
ValueExtractors.UnwrappingInfo |
XmlBuilder |
XmlBuilder.Version |
XmlValidationMappingProvider |