ApacheFactoryContext |
Description: Represents the context that is used to create ClassValidator instances.
ApacheValidationProvider |
Description: Implementation of ValidationProvider for jsr
implementation of the apache-validation framework.
ApacheValidatorFactory |
Description: a factory is a complete configurated object that can create
This instance is not thread-safe.
BootstrapConfigurationImpl |
ConfigurationImpl |
Description: used to configure apache-validation for jsr.
ConstraintCached |
Description: hold the relationship annotation->validatedBy[]
ConstraintValidator classes that are already parsed in a cache.
ConstraintCached.ConstraintValidatorInfo<T extends Annotation> |
Describes a ConstraintValidator implementation type.
ConstraintDefaults |
Description: Provides access to the default constraints/validator
implementation classes built into the framework.
ConstraintViolationImpl<T> |
Description: Describe a constraint validation defect.
From rootBean and propertyPath, it is possible to rebuild the context of the
DefaultConstraintValidatorFactory |
Description: create constraint instances with the default / no-arg constructor
DefaultMessageInterpolator |
Description: Resource bundle backed message interpolator.
DefaultValidationProviderResolver |
GraphContext |
ParticipantFactory |
Factory object for helper/participant classes.
ValidatorImpl |