Class ConstraintCompositionTest

  • public class ConstraintCompositionTest
    extends ValidationTestBase
    Checks that groups are correctly inherited from the root constraint to its compositing constraints.
    Carlos Vara
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConstraintCompositionTest

        public ConstraintCompositionTest()
    • Method Detail

      • test1LevelInheritance

        public void test1LevelInheritance()
        Check correct group inheritance on constraint composition on a 1 level hierarchy.
      • test2LevelInheritance

        public void test2LevelInheritance()
        Check correct group inheritance on constraint composition on a 2 level hierarchy.
      • testAnnotationGroupsAreInherited

        public void testAnnotationGroupsAreInherited()
        Checks that the groups() value of the constraint annotations are correctly set to the inherited ones.
      • testAnnotationPayloadsAreInherited

        public void testAnnotationPayloadsAreInherited()
        Checks that the payload() value of the constraint annotations are correctly set to the inherited ones.
      • testIndexedOverridesAttributes

        public void testIndexedOverridesAttributes()
        Checks that OverridesAttribute.constraintIndex() parsing and applying works.
      • testReportAsAsingleViolation

        public void testReportAsAsingleViolation()
        Checks that errors are reported correctly when using ReportAsSingleViolation.