Class GroupSequenceIsolationTest

  • public class GroupSequenceIsolationTest
    extends ValidationTestBase
    Additional tests to check the correct processing of GroupSequences by the validator.
    Carlos Vara
    • Constructor Detail

      • GroupSequenceIsolationTest

        public GroupSequenceIsolationTest()
    • Method Detail

      • testGroupSequencesInHierarchyClasses

        public void testGroupSequencesInHierarchyClasses()
        When validating the Default group in a bean whose class doesn't define a GroupSequence, all the classes in the hierarchy must be checked for group sequence definitions and they must be evaluated in order for the constraints defined on those classes.
      • testGroupSequenceOfBeanClass

        public void testGroupSequenceOfBeanClass()
        When validating the Default group in a bean whose class defines a group sequence, that group sequence is used for all the constraints.