Apache BVal Report September 2012

The Apache BVal project implements the Java EE Bean Validation 1.0 (JSR-303) specification and related extensions, and became a top-level project of the foundation on February 15, 2012.


No releases since the last report.


Little development activity of late; most of the BVal team are spread across various ASF projects, so we've not yet been able to make good on our intentions to continue improving the codebase towards a 1.0 release.

Traffic on the user mailing list remains low/nonexistent.

We continue to follow the progress of the Bean Validation specification; its 1.1.0 version is being developed under Red Hat's (open) leadership as JSR-349. Apache BVal will implement Bean Validation v1.1.0 as soon as is practical.


No changes in community.


The project has adopted (though not yet re-branded with) a new logo contributed by Adonis Raduca. The PMC thanks him for his contribution, as well as his employer, IRIAN Solutions, for his time.

No concerns at present.


Nothing needed at the moment.