The Apache BVal project is being built by the open source community for the
open source community - we welcome your input and contributions!
What we are looking for
- Source code and fixes contributions
- Test cases for issues encountered during application development
- Documentation assistance
- Product and feature suggestions
- Detailed and constructive feedback
- Articles and whitepapers
How do I Contribute?
- To discuss Apache BVal topics check out the mailing lists
- Bugs and other issues can be posted on the project JIRA
I have encountered an issue with Apache BVal. What do I do now?
- Post a message to our User's list to discuss the issue.
- Search existing JIRA issues
to see whether someone has already encountered the same issue.
- If this issue has never been encountered before, create a JIRA issue
- Develop a test case to demonstrate the issue.
- Attach the new test to JIRA issue.
- Check out the Found a Bug
page for more details on creating and submitting patches.
I have encountered an issue with Apache BVal and have fixed it in the source code. How do I get the changes into svn?
- Create a JIRA issue
that describes the changes you've made (you'll need an Apache JIRA account
to do this).
- Check out the source code and make your changes.
- Create test cases to validate your changes.
svn add
any new files.
- Run
mvn test -Dtest=[MyTestCase]
to validate your change. You need
to specify the test to run by its simple name without package name.
- Run the an entire build with tests by running
mvn clean install
for any possible regression. This should take 2-5 minutes or so.
- Check out the Found a Bug
page for more details on creating and submitting patches.
- Wait for a committer to review and check in your changes.